1win: responsible gambling

This article will give you an overview of how the safety of players on 1win is ensured. Furthermore, you will learn how to control and self-monitor your gambling addiction.

One of the primary objectives of our company, 1win, is to ensure responsible action for our users. Gambling addiction is a concern to platform management. Attention is also paid to the consequences of this problem. The main principles of the regulation of the issue are as follows:

  • Protecting players from any inclination towards addiction;
  • The exclusion of minors from the platform.

The main thing that our company gives our users is pleasure and joy, not illness or problems.

Ways to control the development of gambling addiction

Betting with 1win is a good way to occupy your free time. In doing so, you can follow your favorite matches and teams and earn money in the process! However, even that should be done safely. There are several rules to control and prevent the development of gambling addiction:

  • Remember that it is not a way of making money;
  • Don’t aim to win back immediately after losing;
  • Only count on your spare cash, so you don’t have to go into debt;
  • Control the amount of time and money you spend.

And that’s not all. The most important thing you should do is keep yourself in control and give a full account of your actions. You are responsible for yourself.

Preventing gambling addiction

Despite the existence of the problem of gambling addiction, there is a positive trend worldwide. This is due to a decrease in the number of people exposed to this kind of disease. This is usually a result of the good work of gambling platforms. 1win suggests that you always keep in mind the following things that will prevent the development of addiction:

  • Winning a gambling game does not depend on your knowledge, skills, or plans, but on luck and probability;
  • You must participate of your own free will, not under compulsion;
  • This type of employment is for recreation and entertainment, not for earning;
  • Full control of financial expenditure;
  • Never play in a depressed mood, under the influence of stress, alcohol, drugs or other intoxication;
  • Learn all the rules and information about the game before you start. 

And that’s not all. In case one of these already doesn’t suit you, try to minimize your time on the platform before it’s too late.

How can a user check for possible gambling addiction?

Many 1win platform users themselves are concerned about staying sane. To this end, there is a list of questions that allow for self-checking:

  • How addicted are you to gambling?
  • How much do your bets and deposits increase?
  • Have you gone into debt for casino or sports betting?
  • How much time do you spend on this?
  • Has your reputation been adversely affected by gambling?
  • How annoyed or stressed are you if you did not participate in the game or lost?
  • Does gambling help you get away from your problems in real life?
  • How often do you have wagering?
  • Do you control your time and money when gambling?
  • Do your relatives know about your hobby?

If you answered yes to 5 or more of these questions, you should be worried and seek specialist advice. 

Ways to combat gambling addiction

1win currently caters to all categories of players. Some can solve their addiction problems on their own, and some need specialist help. With this in mind, both options are available on the platform:

  • Self-exclusion;
  • Online organizations and associations that provide psychological help.

1win cooperates with professional companies that can help you. However, if you can hold your own, you should use the other option.


This method refers to the player’s personal desire to shut down access to the platform. You can contact the 1win customer service team and ask them to close your account. It is up to you to decide for how long it can be done. If it is a temporary procedure, you can always go back and revoke the ban. If permanently, you will not be allowed to reopen your account.

Online organizations and associations that provide psychological help

If the player realizes he cannot solve the problems on his own, he can use another way. There are several organizations and associations on the Internet. Their activities are aimed at providing psychological support for gambling addicts:

  • https://www.gamblingtherapy.org/;
  • https://www.gamcare.org.uk/;
  • https://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/.

There are also others. However, 1win recommends these companies as they have a good reputation for the quality of the services provided.